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RSS SolidLicense 2.6.0

RSS SolidLicense 2.6.0

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RSS SolidLicense Publisher's Description

RSS SolidLicense is the powerful, software based, lightweight and mature software protection system. It is delivered as a set of client libraries plus a license generation utility and license generation libraries (in the professional edition).
You can simply link the client libraries either statically or dynamically to your application and call its functions to verify if the user has a valid license for your software.
RSS SolidLicense can be embedded into applications in virtually all programming languages. It has for example successfully been used with languages like C, C++, Visual Basic, Delphi, VBA, Fortran, C#, VB.NET, LabView, Med Model, Pro Model and lots of other programming languages and systems.
RSS SolidLicense doesn't invade your applications with its own dialogs. You can create licensing models and user interaction however you like. RSS SolidLicense provides the proven and mature basis for the security functions on the low level of the protection scenario.
Please also note the unique features provided by RSS SolidLicense - such as the so called Renaming Feature. You can specify the identifiers of all functions, data types etc. exported by the RSS SolidLicense client libraries! This unique feature allows you to rename our license protection functions to some absolutely innocent looking names - so crackers will have a hard job in even finding a function to attack!

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